Friday, March 7, 2008

Back in the Pool

With my first marathon completed a few weeks back, I have been getting back in the pool and getting a little more consistent with my swimming. Looking at my workout log, I have logged just over 60,000 yards this year, much of that in the past few weeks.

Coach Mike had a surprise for us this morning. After a warm-up we had a 30 minute swim. Many of my pool buddies started suggesting alternative sets so we did not have to swim for 30 minutes straight, but Coach Mike would not let us off the hook. In my mind I was trying to calculate how far I could go. I felt I might be able to handle 500 yds in 6 minutes, so I settled on a goal of 2,500 yards, a 1:12 per 100 yards average.

I was not really sure how realistic this was since the longest straight swim I have done in practice was maybe a set of 500’s. My first 500 was right at 6:00, I was feeling pretty good. I was at 19:25 for my 1650 and completed almost 2,550 yards in the 30 minutes. I was pretty happy with the distance, but I could feel my stroke falling apart at the end. Coach Mike says we will periodically do timed swims like this one, we will see how it goes….

1 comment:

Taconite Boy said...

Thanks for tuning in. Congrats on your first Marathon!